Customer Testimonials

Chandler Data Professionals is a great place! Tom is very helpful and explains everything you need to know about the work that can be done to save your hard drive. I had an external hard drive that ended up getting dropped in water and no longer responded to my mac. I brought it in to the office and he was able to save all my data and transfer to a new drive within 24hrs. Definitely recommending to my friends and family. Thanks Tom!

Ice M – Mesa, AZ 07-14-2017

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Read Barry P.‘s review of Chandler Data Professionals on Yelp

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Diamondback Drywall

We are a commercial drywall & painting company and have used Chandler Data Professionals for multiple services. They have come and installed two computers, and all the software and are in the process of creating a new program specifically for our job tracking needs. They have been very instrumental in bringing our system up to date to increase productivity. Their service is impeccable and the price is right. I have referred them to other companies, and would not hesitate to do so in the future.

Jan 04, 2008 by Diamondback Drywall & Painting, Inc. in Phoenix, AZ

Annette Martin

Tom from Chandler Data Professionals was GREAT! I can’t say enough good things about this company. I am a realtor and my computer crashed, I was in a panic when I called Tom because I can’t work without a computer. He calmed me down, came over looked at my computer and said he would have to rebuild it. I explained to him that I would be out of work if I didn’t have a computer, so he was kind enough to lend me his until mine was fixed. He was also very reasonable with his price. His name says it all, Professional. I highly recommend Chandler Data Professionals.

Dec 14th, 2007 by Annette Martin in Queen Creek, AZ

Xcellent Solutions In Safety

I am a small business owner who teaches self-defense techniques to men, women, and children. With just little input from me, Tom and his team were able to get a website up for me the same day! He calls me with ideas that can help me improve business relations with my clients! How is that for customer service.
This is what service should be about!

Nov 21st, 2007 by Xavier Smith in Queen Creek, AZ

Diamondback Drywall

I have on several occasions needed service done in our office as well as remote service and Chandler Data Professionals were outstanding. They answered all my questions no matter how trivial with expertise. They were quick to respond, friendly and professional. The cost of their services were very reasonable. I would not hesitate to use them again or to refer them to other business associates or friends.

May, 2007 by Diamondback Renovations,LLC in Phoenix, AZ